October 12-14, 2026

Indiana Convention Center - 100 South Capital Ave - Indianapolis, IN

Why Attend FNA 2026 in 120 Seconds
Heat Treating's Premier Trade Show
and Technical Conference in
North America
Who Should Attend
Furnaces North America is a melting pot of the best minds in heat treating. Owners, CEOs, Presidents, and key executives from every facet of the heat treating operation will be in attendance. This provides you a "who's who" list of knowledgeable people to network with on business opportunities and solutions for daily challenges.
Heat Treat Company Owner
Heat Treat Department Manager
Heat Treat Division Director
Heat Treat Facility Manager
Heat Treat Production Manager
Heat Treat Technical Director
Heat Treat Systems Superintendent
Heat Treat Metallurgical Engineer
Heat Treat Operations Coordinator
Heat Treat Maintenance Manager
Heat Treat Quality Control Manager
Furnace Operators
Quality Personnel
The FNA 2026 Trade Show Floor will be filled with top suppliers in the heat treating industry. Technology is changing faster than ever. At FNA 2026, you get to see it in one place.

Technical Sessions
One of the biggest features of FNA is the quality of the technical sessions. Experts from all over the world share their knowledge on the latest trends and technologies in equipment, processes, and materials. You will experience over 35 technical sessions over 2-days, on the latest hot topics, trends, and technology impacting your heat treat operations.

Title Sponsors

Corporate Sponsors
Produced By
Media Partner
Indiana Convention Center
100 Capital Ave
Indianapolis, IN
Host Hotel
Marriott Hotel
Downtown Indianapolis
350 W Maryland St.